
October 2021 Newsletter

October 26, 2021

Links to changes to the PSP Case Management Policy and a new resource produced by a collaboration between Sydney University Research Centre for Children and Families and Australian Childhood Foundation.


September 2021 Newsletter

September 21, 2021

This newsletter links you with useful COVID-19 resources, some of our most used resources and the opportunity
to nominate a foster or kinship carer for an award.


August 2021 Newsletter

August 24, 2021

This newsletter links you with Leaving Care and After Care resources and useful COVID-19 resources.


Department of Communities and Justice – COVID 19 Links for Service Providers

August 13, 2021

DCJ COVID links for service providers – 27 July 2021


July 2021 Newsletter

July 9, 2021

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and would like to wish you all a happy NAIDOC Week 2021. This month’s newsletter has important information about July’s training and links to a suite of great new resources on Preservation and Alternative Dispute Resolution.


May 2021 Newsletter

May 26, 2021

Welcome to the May newsletter. Look here for links to AbSec’s Aboriginal Case Management Policy and resources, and links to our new resources. There’s also an update about changes to home inspections.


Mar/April 2021 Newsletter

May 26, 2021

Welcome to the March/April newsletter. We’ve got some exciting news about our Face-to-Face training, links to some new learning opportunities offered by DCJ, and links to our extensive suite of new Legal resources.


February 2021 Newsletter

February 11, 2021

Welcome to the February newsletter. This newsletter links you with Leaving Care and After Care resources from DCJ and Create, our new Legal and Trauma Informed Care resources, and our current training.


November 2020 Newsletter

December 11, 2020

Welcome to the November newsletter. This newsletter links you with the 2020 Family Matters Report, our new resources covering Casework Skills, Trauma Informed Care, Leaving Care and After Care, Legal and Restoration, and our 2020 Year in Review video.


October 2020 Newsletter

March 22, 2021

Welcome to the October newsletter. This newsletter links you with research on family time and supervised contact visits, new PSP Learning Hub resources on Casework Skills and Restoration, the outcomes of our Working Group on Alternative Dispute Resolution and our current training.
