
Communities of Practice: What is Section 149b-k?

April 19, 2024

Communities of Practice aims to improve the lives and outcomes of children and families by creating a space for practitioners to come together and explore difficult practice issues within the Permanency Support Program.

In this Communities of Practice, participants will discuss how to apply s149b-k of the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998, how to gather relevant evidence when assessing risk, and how to approach difficult conversations when information levels change.

Communities of Practice: Working with Men

December 7, 2023

Communities of Practice aims to improve the lives and outcomes of children and families by creating a space for practitioners to come together and explore difficult practice issues within the Permanency Support Program.

In this Communities of Practice (CoP), participants will explore how fathers can positively influence their children’s upbringing and become the nurturing caregivers and role models they always intended to be. The focus will be on practical strategies for engaging men in meaningful change, helping them foster healthy, supportive relationships with their children. Additionally, the CoP will address the critical issue of working with fathers who use violence, offering practice approaches that practitioners can learn from. Key elements include:

– Supporting fathers in becoming the positive influence they aspire to be
– Identifying and managing family violence
– Ensuring safety for both professionals and families
– Using effective communication to facilitate meaningful interactions.

Online Training: Family Action Plan for Change (FAP-C)

July 6, 2023

Family Action Plan for Change (FAP-C)

A quality FAP-C is critical in preservation & restoration casework.  In this session, Practitioners are given the opportunity to practice what they have learned by having a crack at writing some content for a FAP-C based on a case study.  This session covers:

  • the purpose of a FAP-C
  • building adult capabilities
  • participation
  • the road map of change (storytelling)
  • simplifying complexity
  • the role of hope
  • working with Aboriginal families.

F2F Training: Leaving Care

June 15, 2023

In this interactive session, we explore the casework practice in the leaving care space.  A great session that covers the basics and provides more advanced content all in one.  The session includes;

  • Why leaving care planning and support is so important
  • Insights from experienced practitioners
  • The importance of relationships
  • Tips, tricks and resources
  • Financials, victims of crime, driving, pets and much more

F2F Training: Family Finding

May 31, 2023

This F2F session is for all PSP Casework Staff and Leaders.

The session will provide a more detailed, intimate reflective practice space about the challenges you experience around family finding. The PSP Learning Hub coaching is based on the GROW model.

Coaching is a trained and practiced skill that assists you to reflect on your practice with set goals to reach changes in your day-to-day work that is in line with organizational objectives to increase your knowledge, understanding, and skills in working with children, young people, and families.

Coaching: Affidavit Writing in PSP

May 25, 2023

Training Overview

Strengthen your impact on children and young people’s lives through expert affidavit writing. As a PSP Service Provider, your affidavit directly shapes Children’s Court decision-making. Our practice-based coaching session empowers casework staff to craft compelling and professional affidavits.

In this coaching session, you will:

  • Develop essential knowledge about affidavit structure, content requirements, and their crucial role in care proceedings
  • Learn best practices for presenting clear, factual, and relevant evidence in your affidavits.

Join us to build confidence in presenting evidence that helps secure the best outcomes for children and young people in care proceedings.

Online Training: Affidavit Writing in PSP

May 25, 2023

Training Overview

PSP Service Providers play a very important role in helping ensure that the Children’s Court has the best evidence to make the decisions about children and young people subject of care proceedings. The training, run by an Accredited Specialist in Children’s Law aims to:

  • provide knowledge and skills to prepare affidavits in Children’s Court care proceedings
  • explores the purpose and content of affidavits, and their role in care proceedings
  • provides participants with the opportunity to draft an affidavit based on a case study and receive feedback.

Online Training: Culture and Connections: Working with Aboriginal and multicultural children, young people and families

May 24, 2023

Culture and Connections: Working with Aboriginal and multicultural children, young people and families

This training provides PSP casework staff and leaders with information and resources to strengthen their relationships with children, young people and families from Aboriginal and Multicultural backgrounds.

The training explores:

  • Perception of culture
  • Our understanding of Aboriginal and Multicultural families in PSP
  • Intergenerational trauma and the realities of now
  • Effectively engaging with children, families and carers
  • How to incorporate children’s cultural needs in cultural plans

Coaching: PSP Time Strategies: Building Permanency Pathways

January 3, 2023

Time Management in PSP:

This training provides PSP casework staff and leaders with tips, tricks, and hacks to get the most out of their time. The training explores:

  • how technology can work to make you as efficient as possible
  • how to work smarter, not harder
  • how modifying techniques, systems, and approaches can carve out more time to spend with children and families

Webinar: Understanding and Supporting Child Development

April 19, 2021

This foundational workshop provides an overview of child development underpinned by a theoretical framework. This involves looking at the whole child and understanding that learning and development occur holistically. When working with young children there is a responsibility to recognise the interconnectedness of all aspects of a child’s learning and development to ensure the child is nurtured and supported. Without a clear knowledge of child development, vital information can often be missed. Unpacking the core principles and influences of development is key to fostering the child’s acquisition of skills, knowledge, and attitudes towards lifelong learning.