
September 2022 Newsletter

September 26, 2022

Link to new resources from DCJ on Guardianship and working with children and young people, information on DCJ’s NGO Caseworker Wellbeing Checks initiative and more.


July 2022 Newsletter

August 10, 2022

Connect with other caseworkers and engage in some great development opportunities (see Training Updates), and link to our new open Adoption resources.


June 2022 Newsletter

June 29, 2022

Check out the development opportunities in our Quick Links, connect with some great resources from the Australian Department of Home Affairs and the PSP Learning Hub, and hit us up with your training wish list.


May 2022 Newsletter

June 29, 2022

Check out the development opportunities in our Quick Links and connect with some great training resources.


March/April 2022 Newsletter

April 19, 2022

Register for the Pathways to Permanency workshop co-hosted by DCJ and the PSP Learning Hub and find resource and training updates.


February 2022 Newsletter

March 1, 2022

Link with My Forever Family’s carers training, DCJ’s new guidance and templates for OOHC open adoption assessments and our upcoming training.


January 2022 Newsletter

January 31, 2022

Link with updates on PSP Learning Hub resources and training, new DCJ training, and information about our upcoming evaluation.


December 2021 Newsletter

December 17, 2021

We wish you all a safe and happy holiday and before you go, check out these links to the new OOHC adoption mandatory information resources, leaving care templates, PSP resources and our 2022 training.


November 2021 Newsletter

November 30, 2021

Link to free training on the Aboriginal Case Management Policy and our new PSP resources.


October 2021 Newsletter

October 26, 2021

Links to changes to the PSP Case Management Policy and a new resource produced by a collaboration between Sydney University Research Centre for Children and Families and Australian Childhood Foundation.
